*Sigh* Alright guys. Confession time.
Don't look at me like that, you're the one reading this! Look, like I said before, there's nothing that makes me forget about a weekly blag update than having to do a weekly blag update. And playing Skyrim. Yeah, that kind of makes me forget about... everything. Blags, work, life... but hey, when in Skyrim...
Okay! So, confession time. I am terrible at this whole blagging thing.
I KNOW! Like, WTF, man?! What's wrong with me?! If it weren't for Stephanie reminding me to update the blag once and a while, you all would have left off thinking she and I were living in a portrait of a wedding, with nary a care in the world as we sip on watermelon punch and eat tasty chocolates and cheeses and strawberries.
Wow... if only, amirite?
#1- Stephanie and I have moved. It's a two bedroom apartment, which is more than we wanted, but to be honest, I like the extra room for storage. Otherwise, where would we keep half empty boxes full of old toys from my childhood, and a doctor Barbie. Not mine, I swear...
#Dos- I got a promotion! Firstly, Stephanie and I work at Vivint Solar. I said in our last post that I got a new job. And yes, it's definitely a promotion! You know how you get a promotion, but then you're basically doing the same lame stuff, you're just making a few dollars more? Well, this is even better, because not only am I making a few more dollars an hour, but I'm doing all the same... things I used to do...! See? It's... different! I get to call customers and inform them that their solar account is exactly where it was a week ago. And then I get to do it again next week! Whoooo! (Despite the sarcasm, I actually do enjoy my job. Instead of taking random calls and getting yelled at for other people's mistakes, I get to focus on a few accounts at a time, solve the problem, and get their solar system's activated. All a day's work in the life of a Customer Success Manager.)
#3- Halloween! Stephanie and I had an awesome Halloween, y'all! First, a flashback! Last year, Stephanie and I went to a local festival at a place call Thanksgiving Point. Unbeknownst to Stephanie, I was secretly planning on proposing to her. I was super sneaky. Oh yeah!

We tried to go for more of a "Rosie and Sam" look, but even though you can't tell from the picture, I'm not 4 feet tall, and Steph doesn't have long blond curls. But we make a pretty cute pair. So take that, Rosie and Sam! >_>...
#4- For those of you who don't know, Stephanie has been going to school at UVU to become an ASL interpreter. She's pretty darn amazing at it, too. She'll say she's no good, but guys, seriously. She's very skilled and talented. Anyway, recently, Stephanie took the written portion of the Utah Knowledge Exam to become an interpreter, and she PASSED! She needed 80% to pass, and she got exactly 80%! See guys? Pretty darn amazing! I'm so proud of her! ^_^
#5- Thanksgiving! I don't know about you, but as a young, impoverished adult, I have come to love Thanksgiving more than most other holidays. Nothing starts the holiday season better than gorging yourself on a smorgasbord of free food for hours, sometimes days on end. After all, the harvest is finished, and...
Now, we're not huge fans of Game of Thrones, but I couldn't resist. Anyway, Stephanie and I are so excited for Christmas. It's not just the presents, or the lights, or the family time and food and games. Those are all wonderful things, but we wouldn't have those things without our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We take this time to demonstrate our appreciation for His birth, life, and Atonement. We love our Savior for this, the greatest of gifts.
Coming up next!
Looks like we have a new year coming up on us. Oddly enough, the older I get, the faster years seem to fly by. So, 2016 doesn't seem like such a big deal to me anymore. But at least we get to rub it in 2012's face again. So much for the world ending, sucker! (Honestly, though I don't know what the hype was all about. What were people expecting? Something like this?
Or this?
Anyway, may the force be ever in your favor... or something. I leave you with this image of me fighting the great and terrible Shelob. You may bask in my awesomeness.