... and we've reached the limit of my knowledge of Spanish. Moving on.
Speaking of which,

Happy New Year! 2016! Woohoo!
Love the gifs. Please pardon the quasi-alcoholic implications of this one, though. I mean, it could just be sparkling cider (Martinelli's FTW), so... let's not freak out.
-Alex, you only had 2 shots of bubbly anyway...
So, we survived the holidays. Nay, we thrived! Stephani and I had a truly splendid time this Christmas, I'll have you know. We got each other sensible, yet thoughtful gifts. I didn't realize Assassin's Creed was sensible.... Made sense to me! ;)
So Alex's phone always always always dies, and we've been trying to fix that. We even bought external power chargers that Alex always seems to use once and never remember to charge afterwards...
So for Christmas! I bought him a phone case (which he ended up needing 3 days sooner... but that's another story) (I dropped my phone! The corner of the screen cracked pretty bad. But! A previous crack saved the day and kept the other cracks from spreading, so... silver lining there...) that was red and that also had an additional power supply! Basically the perfect gift. Especially because it was a red one. You'd be surprised that the only mainstream options available are white, black, and, strangely, pink...
I also decided to be super gooey cute by putting together a personal video for Alex. He wrote a song way back when, in High School (probably before he ever even met me), about being a superhero and "would you still be there for me" and all that.
I took the song and sang along with it, a same-time descant reply that I would wait for him, and that I would be there to save him.
But there's more!
I also put it to a montage of cute photos of us together.
But there's more!
(I know, how can it get any better?)
I also clipped in video of me interpreting the verses in sign language.
Cheesiest thing I've ever done.
(Totally worth it, though. Seeing Alex's reaction was priceless ^_^)
We spent Christmas going to 3 different families and spending time with each. I was worried it would be stressful, but it was nice, having so many loving people to spend such a joyous day with. Christmas truly is about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and I would be ashamed and ungrateful if I did not acknowledge His hand in my life and the opportunity Christmas gives us to remember the Atonement and what that means to each of us.
During Sacrament meeting that week, I was pondering on Christ being a baby. I wanted to imagine the new perfect baby he was, so I tried to think of the newest littlest baby I knew, and that was my nephew, Callan. In my mind, I was startled to remember that, for him, during the first 2 months of his life, he underwent surgeries where wires and bandages had to be put in and on him. He had been so weak and tiny.
It brought tears to my eyes to recognize that because Christ came to earth as a little baby, all the other babies, whose lives were scarred by the pains and sicknesses of mortality - through no fault or blame of their own - their sorrows could be made right. Christ has saved and will protect them. He will take care of all of us and all our pains and sorrows that we frequently feel are of no fault or blame of our own. Because of Him, no pain will last forever. He will make it all right.
I add my testimony that Christ died and lives for us, and that His life, example and Atonement are gifts beyond measure. I believe in His power and mercy, and that He loves each of us eternally. I love having that knowledge and truth, especially in the face of a new year with new experiences and opportunities. If we keep Christ's love in our hearts and serve Him and our fellow men, we will be welcomed with His loving embrace in the next life. With that in mind...
What greater gift is there?