So, I'll be honest, this post? *looks down to indicate*... don't know how it going to turn out. Unsure. There's a lot to tell you about, but I don't know where to start.
Previously, on Stories of Solomon...
*epic movie trailer voice* Alex started working at the new Lehi building. Stephanie just graduated college! Life was on the up and up for this vivacious couple! But little did they know that life is a highway, and I'm going to ride it all... wait, no. *Record scratch* Sorry, got distracted.
So we've adjusted quite well to our quiet little lives here in Lehi. Work is super close, the ward has been great, and we've been sipping smoothies and gaming hardcore. But, not every day has been a gold-trimmed haze of summer bliss. We've both actually had quite our share of striggles... lol... striggles.
You have problems.
You have problems.
So! Let's set up the scenario. Anytime something good happens, I'll call it a whoa. Anytime something bad or troubling happens, I'll call it a woe. For those listening at home, good luck keeping score.
To start off the summer, my family has a tradition on Memorial Day, and it's kind of a unique one. On Memorial Day morning, we gather at the Provo Cemetery and place flowers on the resting places of the little kids and babies that have come into this world and were called home in their youth and infancy to their Heavenly Father.
And while this may sound like a woe, it's actually a big whoa. My grandparents started this tradition years and years ago, before I was even born. At the time, they were pregnant with a little girl, Naomi, who would have been just a little older than I am today. Sadly, she was stillborn. And like the lovely, selfless people they are, my grandparents started this tradition for the sake of the parents who have lost their children and babies, but maybe can't afford to buy them flowers, or have since moved away and can't visit their little ones. This tradition also extends to another child in our family that we lost, Tatianna, who would be another one of my beloved cousins if she were with us today.
But what's more is that this simple act of kindness is a solemn, tender reminder that families can be forever. While Naomi may not be with us here on Earth, she is still in our hearts and minds, and it affirms my testimony that God has each of us in mind, and that the family is a sacred, eternal bond. It helps me to remember my Savior, who died so that we can return to be with our families in Heaven.
Next, I actually got another promotion! Previously, as a Customer Success Manager, I was subject to doing more than we should be asked to do. An entire department responsible for processing paperwork (contracts, legal documents, system applications, etc.) was dissolved and reabsorbed throughout the company. As a result, all of the paper pushing got dumped on us lowly Success Managers. And paperwork is the bane of my existence. There are some, like my beloved wife, who worked in that department and enjoyed it -to a degree.... But to me, the is nothing is more mind-numbingly monotonous as freaking paperwork. It. Never. Ends. Anyway, I was pulled from my duties one day and asked by my supervisor if I would consider piloting a new position in the company.Whoa! I was nervous, but ultimately, I decided I would do the pilot. And while I'd love to give more details, I'll have to tell your more about that later. I'm a tease, I know.
Because summer has been in full swing, Stephanie and I decided a while ago to get me a bike Whoa. And I've had quite a ball riding it to work. Plus, my friend Chris got a job there. Whoa. He and I have been playing uber amounts of Magic (nerdy awesome card game of nerdom). It's been cool hanging out with him regularly. We haven't really spent that much time with the Knorr's in a long while, so it's nice to see Chris more often. But the problem is, a couple weeks ago, my bike chain literally snapped in half. Right in the middle of the crosswalk! I wasn't even halfway home! Woe! But, Steph kindly came and picked me up. :) It's still broked....
Speaking of Stephanie, she's been struggling a lot with graduation because she doesn't feel like she deserves her degree. Ludicrous, but still a woe. It's been a burden on her self-esteem, and she's since felt less and less excited about interpreting. She also took her certification exam to become an interpreter. She gave her all and tried her best on the test. We waited for 6 whole weeks to find out that she didn't meet expectations. And that didn't help matters. That was a woe. Very challenging. But we're working through it one day at a time.
Ilvermorny sorting was released on Pottermore! Whoa! And you know, you know, we totes def got sorted. I am Thunderbird! I am a beautiful person! (inside joke, but still true.) I'll let Stephanie tell you her house and why it's so awesome... Right here! ==> So basically I'm a Pukwudgie and they are the best, they are short, powerful, fiercely independent, they like to trick humans, and hunt with poison arrows. They were chosen to be a house mascot by a muggle - represent! I love that. I love that Isolde's family has all magical blood types and is accepting of them all. So basically there wouldn't be an Ilvermorny without them. You can read all about it on pottermore. It is said that Pukwudgie's favor the heart and healers.The specific Pukwudgie in the history of Ilvermorny was a stubborn little guy with a soft heart and not the softest way of showing it. He was fiercely loyal and always looked out for Isolde, even if he wouldn't admit it. I'm proud to be a Pukwudgie and relate to them on so many levels ^_^
Now we'll take a jump ahead in time and discuss our Patronuses (Patroni?)! Because that's a thing now too! If you have ever wanted to know, go take it now! I'll wait...
So! Now that you know, we'll tell you ours! Mine is a Marsh Herrier! It's pretty amazing. Basically, I'm adventurous and curious and like to see things from a distance. Also, there's a hint of bravery and proclivity for solitude in there somewhere.
And Steph is a Manx Cat! This was very apt, in my opinion. Steph has some very cat-like behaviors. For one, she likes to knock things over from high places just for fun. She's definitely a tree cat. Just kidding, love! ;) But for reals, Manx Cat's are awesome, y'all. They're playful intelligent and loyal. People with this Patronus have a sense of humor and wholeness, are independent and clever, and love mystery and magic! Which is very astute for my beloved! Manx cat's were preferred ship cats for merchant ships. Oddly enough, they also are born without a tail! Which fits in perfectly with her family nickname, Stumpy! XD
Okay, time-travel field trip is over, back to the present past!
Now behold! I made an amazingly delicious casserole of deliciousness! Photo for proof:
Seriously, guys. It was amazing. Definitely a WHOA. Easily one of the best dishes I've ever made! I'll have to make more of it because I want to share the divine, delectable, mouth-watering loveliness. Anyone who wants some will have to agree to a night of games beforehand. Yum!

We also had a fantastic 'Merica Day! 'Merica day? Who are you? Whoa! 4th of July was really fun. Stephanie and I stayed out on the parade route in Provo for my family. We had a little confusion with a family friend who's yard we staked our place out on. Parade was fun, but not nearly as awesome as when I was a kid. Or maybe it was the waiting out all night with my family and getting into all kinds of trouble. (Mom, that's a total lie, I never did anything you wouldn't approve ever in my life... >_> <_<) After the parade, we had a wonderful barbecue, and fireworks later that night. Super fun. (As a side-note, I want to say how much I love my country. I honor and cherish the sacrifice others have made and continue to make in order for me to live without fear or oppression. I love this land and am grateful I have the privileges I have today. America is truly a wonderful nation (when our government behaves...), and I will forever stand up for her.) God Bless the USA
Speaking of Stephanie, she's been struggling a lot with graduation because she doesn't feel like she deserves her degree. Ludicrous, but still a woe. It's been a burden on her self-esteem, and she's since felt less and less excited about interpreting. She also took her certification exam to become an interpreter. She gave her all and tried her best on the test. We waited for 6 whole weeks to find out that she didn't meet expectations. And that didn't help matters. That was a woe. Very challenging. But we're working through it one day at a time.

Now we'll take a jump ahead in time and discuss our Patronuses (Patroni?)! Because that's a thing now too! If you have ever wanted to know, go take it now! I'll wait...

Okay, time-travel field trip is over, back to the present past!
Now behold! I made an amazingly delicious casserole of deliciousness! Photo for proof:

Now, Stephanie I and I (Who is this second I?) have taken a full dive into the gamer world. We thought about it a lot, and decided that we would get a pair of Xbox Ones. Whoa!!! But we made the decision that if we get them, we would put off opening them until we stayed in budget for a full month. So the whole month of July, I waited anxiously and kept a closer eye on our spending than I normally do. Sad, amirite? ;) But we pulled it off, and finally upgraded. We've been loving it ever since. Double whoa.
Steph and I like to bargain shop (and by we, I mean her). I do love my bargains. I spend my free time shopping for things I know I can't buy... So, 9 times out of 10, Steph will find something on KSL for free. I think she may have a problem, but that's still a whoa. Got quite a number of cool stuff for free,
including a new TV. :) But one day, we decided to take a trip down to Orem to pick up one of these free things and stopped by the Liquidation Store to kill some time. Because bargain shopping woot!. And while we were there, we got me some jeans. Whoa for me!
But while we were perusing their wares, we stumbled upon the cutest little cabinet with keys for handles! *girlie squeal!* And Stephanie LOVES keys. And I love Stephanie, so naturally, we bought it! I still had to wait a day or two to make sure we were sure we weren't just impulse shopping :P I was so scared it would be gone! ^_^ And I just knew it would make her so happy! So, quadruple whoa! :) And while it's mostly decorative, it certainly fits in with our lovely home. Are you kidding? It's PERFECT! It fits like a glove. Like a soft satin-y glove that you never want to take off!
Steph and I like to bargain shop (and by we, I mean her). I do love my bargains. I spend my free time shopping for things I know I can't buy... So, 9 times out of 10, Steph will find something on KSL for free. I think she may have a problem, but that's still a whoa. Got quite a number of cool stuff for free,

But while we were perusing their wares, we stumbled upon the cutest little cabinet with keys for handles! *girlie squeal!* And Stephanie LOVES keys. And I love Stephanie, so naturally, we bought it! I still had to wait a day or two to make sure we were sure we weren't just impulse shopping :P I was so scared it would be gone! ^_^ And I just knew it would make her so happy! So, quadruple whoa! :) And while it's mostly decorative, it certainly fits in with our lovely home. Are you kidding? It's PERFECT! It fits like a glove. Like a soft satin-y glove that you never want to take off!
Oh, by the way, I don't know if you know this, but Steph was in a car accident! No big deal, it was just a minor fender bender, etc....

So! More on my promotion! I started the job with high hopes, because it was starting to look like I would get to work with the two teams I'd previously been a part of, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. I had a very large account load, but it was still working well. Whoa! ... until it became apparent I had bitten off more than I could chew. Calendars weren't staying full, and people were getting upset. I felt horrible, because I really wanted to do a good job, but it was just too much to do. So, even though I normally hate giving other people my workload, even if they're just helping, I conceded some of the New Jersey offices to another team member. I felt bad about it, but it seemed like the best option. Yet, since then, I still felt a lot of pressure coming down on me. I was doing my best to stay on top of things, but I couldn't keep up with everyone else that seemed to outdo me consistently. I would have one or two good days a week, and then every few weeks, rather than weekly, I would get a meeting with my supervisor where he would just point out all of the things I was doing wrong, and I hardy ever felt like we had a good understanding between us. To be fair, there were certain expectations he required of us as.a whole, and I was falling short. But it was tough to always feel like I was falling short. I was constantly worried about being pulled aside and being told I wasn't good enough to stay on the team. And yet, I felt more and more like I was the weak link, and everyone else could see it. Hey, the area was hard, I don't think most people could have done so well either. So I almost wanted to be taken off the team. It was a rough couple of months. I dreaded going into work, which hasn't happened in a long time. Usually I get pretty excited, but for the past few months, I wanted to call out sick almost every day just to avoid the collective groan of frustration I felt from everyone in the offixes I worked in <-- Freudian slip. So, after one particularly rough day where several people yelled at me, both customer and coworker, I'd had enough. I got up from my desk, went straight to the executive floor of the new building, and spoke with the project manager (my boss's boss). I told him how I felt, and I explained that I didn't feel like I was a good fit, since I was constantly under-performing and just hated being here. Which is lame. I loved the type of work, but I just couldn't deal with the stress and the anger directed towards me. And then I blurted out that I wanted off the team. The project manager said this was a bit of a shock and a bit disappointing, but he was very understanding. He asked when I would like to be transferred back to being a Customer Success Manager, and I said as soon as you can find someone else to do the work for me.
So... there you have it. I had to step down from an awesome position. woeah I conceded it to some other team member who had been hired to fill my position. And even though I felt like I had made the right decision, it still feels like I screwed up. So... woe. Big time. The only real consolation is that, even though I feel like I demoted myself, I'm back with my old team in New Jersey, and it really didn't feel like I left at all. They were very friendly and I seemed to have snapped back into place. So, that's a pretty big whoa.
Now, for those of you who don't know, Steph's Grandma Raymond passed away. v_v, Woe. And while this post won't do justice to the passing, the funeral, and the bittersweet experiences we shared as a family, I'll do my best to make it count! Grandma Raymond's husband passed away about 12 years ago. She never really came back from that. She's been yearning to be with him again, and we've all seen her desire to rejoin him. Recently, she had surgery on her back. She had fallen previously this year, and had to get a brace for her back. Since it didn't seem to be much help, surgery was the next logical step. So she went in for surgery sometime in early September. Now, in the following weeks, in some ways, she was recovering well.

This all took place over conference weekend woah, and this was yet another example to me of the eternal nature of families. Grandma Raymond had gone on to be with her husband and Heavenly Father, but we who remained still spent the weekend hearing the good word from our beloved prophet and apostles. Amazing talks. I love those men. Those wonderful, Christ-like men. But that whole weekend was spent in the joyful knowledge and testimony of those who communed with our Heavenly Father, feasting on revelation (and cinnamon rolls), and playing games and laughing and smiling and remembering fondly the good times we had with Grandma Raymond. We also had Grandma Raymond's viewing and funeral the week after, which of course brought a lot of tears and hugs. It was a wonderful service, and we got to hear form all of her kids. They each shared something special with us about their beloved mother, and we all felt their loss. But we also felt their rejoicing, for they all knew in their hearts that family is forever, and that they would see her again someday. <3
During that same week, Steph's sister Julie came to visit for the funeral. She stayed for 9-10 days, and once again, we had a wonderful mix of tears and laughs. Woah! She brought her little tykes, Tucker and Callan! They were so cute, and so much fun to have here with us. We all played games and at amazing food and had a grand time.

We played loads of Dominion, went to Outback Steakhouse and Culver's, and spent time together as a family. We did a really cool escape house chamber that we totally nailed! Shortly after that, we did a riveting game of Witness Protection Program! Altogether, we had an amazing time together as a family! The best of whoa's goes here. YAY!!!! FAMILY FTW! Best part of ALL THE THINGS!!! PANCAKES!

So, I am kind of out of time, and I've taken way too long to write this post <-- TRUTH. So, here are some photos of other things we did this summer! If you want to know more, ask us! We'll gladly share! Thanks for sticking around on this one!

>> Oh, by the way, we caught a fish!!! Whoa! <<
Which I caught WITH MY BARE HANDS! O_O
No joke.


We are so hott.
Yup. Summer.