Around March I got an abscess in an... uncomfortable location. I had scheduled a time to meet with my primary care physician, however the pain became too intense, and even though I'd only have to have waited 2 or 3 days, we decided to go to an instacare to get it taken care of. There they told me they'd have to lance and drain it. Ew and painful. So Alex held my hand as I whimpered through the pain while tears streaked down my face. I hoped they'd bandage it up and tell me to get better soon, but they told us I'd have to come in every other day to have it cleaned and repacked for the next 2 weeks at least. :P Yay..... The second time I came in they asked about antibiotics for me to prevent infection, so was it possible I was pregnant?
.... well... yes, actually, yes it was.
Nothing had been confirmed however, so they asked if we'd like to do a pregnancy test while we were there. I proceeded to pee in a cup for them and went back to the room to wait with Alex - who promptly began pacing the floor.
The doctor came back in and told us it was positive! We were pregnant! :O Alex and I went out and celebrated with pizza. How were we not supposed to tell the whole world!? In the following 2 months or so it was actually joked a couple times that we were pregnant. Still, we kept quiet for quite a long time. I had morning sickness frequently and Alex can attest that I would send him almost daily texts telling him I didn't feel good. Luckily I never actually vomited or anything, but it was a pain to play energetic and well when I really felt tired and sick. For some reason the OB had a hard time determining how far along I was, and for 2 weeks I stayed at 6 weeks pregnant. We decided to tell our family once I had an official due date, which, I wasn't able to get until we were already around 2.5 months! It is officially November 26th, the Monday after Thanksgiving. Thus, being around 10 weeks pregnant, we gave our parent's a package addressed to, "The Grandparents of Baby Solomon" and inside was a onsie.

Then to tell the rest of Alex's family, we called Alex's birth dad and announced it (he and his wife were very happy for us), and then we visited his other Dad and announced it. I had to laugh because his Dad was so chill about it all. Hardly had any questions or anything. Alex's younger sister Kelly had teased us a month earlier about how she would babysit for us when we finally got on the ball. So then a week or so later, after telling the parents, we were having a brunch together with his sisters and Alex asked Kelly if she'd be willing to babysit for us around New Years... There was a pause and we had to repeat ourselves for his other sister, then another pause, and then we confirmed we were, in fact, pregnant.
My family was together playing a game of Psych, which is over the phone. We wanted to include the Stoddard's, who lived in Buffalo, for the announcement, so we did it while playing together on the phones. It was a long day and everyone was tired. We played a few rounds and then added another player with Alex's extra phone - Baby Solomon. Their mini profile pic was an early sonogram. I think my mom saw it first and she gasped, but she already knew. Then my sister's husband, Steve, asked who that was. For some reason people had thought it was someone else in the family playing a joke. When it was confirmed, it was in fact us, and we were pregnant, we waited for the Stoddard's on the other end to say something... but they didn't. I think we went 3 or 4 more rounds with "Baby Solomon" entering answers like, "I can't wait to meet you all in 9 months" and "November 26th, 2018." It took them a while, but eventually I got a call from them and we face timed and I answered everyone's questions.
Since then I've had a pretty mild pregnancy as far as symptoms go. I had 1 scare, when I checked my 17 week photo with my 20 week photo, and there hadn't appeared to be any change. I was worried I hadn't felt any kicks, and I hadn't had an appointment in a month. I was so sure something was wrong I gave myself Hell for 3 or 4 days fretting about it until my anatomy scan. The technician put the goo on me, pulled up the screen, and then played the heartbeat for us. I almost cried! We had a healthy baby! Before you ask, no, we are not learning the gender until delivery! (Much to the chagrin of many people lol). The very next day the baby started kicking me finally, and she hasn't stopped since ^_^. Since I don't like calling the baby "it" and "they" all the time, we have a kind of tradition in my family to name the fetus something silly that we would never actually consider for the real name, to call the baby so we have something to reference. With family input, we've decided to call the baby Belinda, and have started saying "she." Again, we don't know the gender, but it helps in making her a human instead of an "it."

My favorite about this is you can count the 5 toes! |
As of this week I am 27 weeks pregnant and Belinda has been kicking all the time! I am told a healthy baby kicks at least 6 times an hour or 10 times in 2 hours. She frequently achieves 6 kicks in 20 min. On Sunday (8/26) she had her first hiccups too ^_^
It seemed like Belinda was ages away and it was too early to get anything done, but now... I feel like there isn't enough time! We need to clean out our office room to make it a baby room and make sure the registry I've put together is actually things we need (maybe I'll put a link here when I've finally finished it). We'll see I guess...
My older sister Kristi was able to score the whole family tickets to Hamilton in April! It was great fun, and Alex, who hadn't given it much attention, loves it now, and listens to "Dear Theodosia" frequently, though I can't imagine why....
In late April, Kristi also surprised us with a facetime call from Missouri while holding the cutest little baby! They were able to adopt again! It was iffy for a while, so there were many prayers, but now, William is 4 months old! I think I'm his favorite because he always talks to me and gives me the best smiles ^_^
Alex's family also did family pictures this year in June. I was told a dark sundress and wasn't sure what I had fit, so I sent a picture and asked. They said it would be fine, then everyone showed up in black and navy and left me as a shining beacon of pink... I could have worn a different black dress with long sleeves but I thought that wouldn't match and make me stand out.... Still, it's a pretty good looking group! We also had a family outing to Dart Nation (I wasn't crazy impressed with the facility) where everyone gets dart guns and goes crazy on each other! We did all kinds of teams and got hot and sweaty and had tons of fun!
Also, not pictured- because Alex's family doesn't think to take posed pictures, and also because phones weren't a priority, we went on a trip to Fish Lake! We were there for 2-ish days and had fun playing Spyfall, looking at stars, and attempting to go out on a boat for fishing. Unfortunately the weather wasn't the best and it rained on us a few times, then, when both anchors and 5 people went to the front of the boat it dipped under the water and people almost began abandoning ship! I was near the front and kept my cool and just laughed, but from then on the younger kids thought we were going to capsize when the waves started rocking the boat. I felt bad for John, who helped plan the whole thing and really wanted to take us all fishing. Despite the weather, I did, in fact, have a lot of fun! Alex, unfortunately got sick and stayed in bed most of Saturday. He thought he was dying, but it was just a sinus infection. It was nice to spend more time with Alex's family.

As part of my birthday present this year, my sisters bought tickets for Alex and I to join them at the Stadium of Fire to see One Republic live! It was so fun! You can bet I sang loudly.
I don't really have a picture for it, so this 4th of July morning will have to do, but my sister and her family, the Stoddard's were able to move back to Utah from New York due to a most excellent job opportunity that is exactly what they wanted! We have been playing games 3 or so times a week since they arrived in the beginning of July. Alex is even starting to miss just being at home to relax. lol
Alex's Father's Day gift. He loves whales. This is currently my lock screen on my phone.
Alex and I were also able to have a date at the aquarium due to his work party. Since we're trying to save money for a baby, we don't really get to go out much for things like this. My feet were hurting by the end, but it was still fun!
Of course we had a Harry Potter Party, as is tradition! Julie was finally in attendance this year with all her kids as well as Lisa's new husband, Hayden, who was also able to experience the epic-ness that is what happens when Raymond girls throw a themed party. Alex and I snuck out for a tad to do Alcatraz's new horcrux themed escape room with some friends of friends for a discount, and finished in 33 min! Alex and I contributed a fair amount and we felt good about it. Back at home, there were many sweets to be had, sorting, and game-playing.
Betrayal at House on the Hill has been the game of choice with the Raymond sisters and we have played it many many times. We like that the game changes every time you play it. We also like that there's a player chosen at random halfway through that becomes the traitor that you must then fight against to win. Good luck if you have the Banshee though... we had no shot there....

End of July my mom's side of the family had a Budge Family reunion at Logan and Bear Lake. We did another escape room with cousins! We also went to the beach, Idaho side, and had fun in the water :) The families had rented ski-dos so Alex and I shared one and we went off for 20 min. I probably went faster than I should have while pregnant... but it was so much fun! Alex frequently felt like he was going to fall off and told me to slow down whenever I got close to 30 mph. Then when Alex had a turn on it, he wasn't as quite a natural on them as I was, and we had a jerky ride lol. We swam out deep and I sat and played with rocks with baby Annie for a while. It was fun! It's harder and harder to get together with extended family, so it was a good time for us all. We were able to visit my grandpa Budge's grave and see his house where he grew up in Paris. I was glad so many of the Budge's could attend.

I have also been going to get TMS (Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatments for my depression. I plan on writing an entire post about it after this one, so I will link that when it's finally written, but stay tuned. It has helped me and we're hoping I go into remission, but we'll see as I'm still getting treatment. (UPDATE! Read my depression and TMS blog post
Odds and ends -
As of this August, I will have been a wolf den leader for a year. I still hate it and feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.
Alex is ward historian. As of now he still maybe wants to pursue journalism.
Alex hasn't done any school this year (not for my lack of encouragement), hopefully he can get back into it in 2019. It's been a struggle to try and figure out what the best course of action to get Alex to a degree would be, but hopefully we can figure that out. It will be hard since he will have to work and go to school and that will not be fun. Not to mention a new little baby in the family...
ASL/Interpreting has taken a back seat to my mental health. I'm not sure what I'll do with it right now, but my therapist thinks it's good that I don't stress about it.
I've been fairly depressed the past.... long while, but hopefully I'm getting over a hump and I can get back to normal.
Alex and I both want to get healthier and lose weight. We have a membership with our location recreational center that costs us almost 40$/month that we haven't been utilizing in the slightest... we really need to exercise more. Right now I know that losing weight isn't an option, I just have to try and eat healthier. Alex, however, is trying harder to be more keto-minded. He isn't doing the keto diet per-se, but he is trying to eat more-like the keto diet suggests. He has cut back on 2 sodas a day to only soda on the weekends and is trying to drink more water as well. He is also trying to cut down on sugars and carbs and eat smaller portions. I'm proud of the progress he is making, but we have yet to weigh-in as our scale broke a few months ago (hopefully unrelated to our weight.... lol).
Alex still plays and has fun with Magic the Gathering. Specifically playing what I think he calls Commander decks? I don't know, you'll have to ask him. He keeps up on the stories they release every week and proceeds to update me on them even though I have no idea what he's talking about. If you do MtG, send him a message because he'd love to play and discuss it with you.
I haven't been as interested in video games recently, but Alex still plays Destiny, Skyrim, Warcraft, and Starcraft. We've also started watching "The Office" on Netflix again as we tend to go through series when bored. Pretty sure in the past year we've done Psych, Castle, Smallville, and the Office already. We've also done Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings marathons. We keep up pretty well with Studio C and will be sad to see the original cast leave. We also absolutely forking adore The Good Place and can't wait for season 3 next month!
Alex started a blog for his Fanfic of Skyrim - A Tale of Two Dragonborns. It's pretty epic and you should check it out, even if you're not familiar with Skyrim. He'd love some feedback and he gets excited and tells me when he has more views. We're trying to figure out the best way to advertise it to other people so he can get more popular and hopefully get more feedback. Please check it out and bookmark it as he updates it every so often with a new section or character profile.
We connected with some old HS friends, the Mallory's, and have enjoyed seeing them from time to time in the past few months. Having and keeping friends when we're all trying to adult is hard. If anyone wants to reconnect please contact us!
Alex is wanting to get us a bigger newer car soon and has been casually looking at houses as well. I personally am not sure we could handle either financially at the moment, but I think it's good to start looking for when we actually are ready. We really want a puppy or a kitty too, and where we are right now that is not an option. Also we have yet to really determine if we can afford one after a baby. Details...
Life goes by so fast and one always imagines one has more time for blogging later, or when one feels like it. Hopefully we shall be better in the future but I really can't make any promises. Maybe once Belinda is here, I will be better at getting those updates out... but I doubt it. ;)
Thanks for sticking with us! We love you and hope your life is going well!
We do have some pics from Fish Lake I can send you. It was a great time and we look forward to more adventures! Our family photo turned out fantastic! I love the colors you wore because it commemorates the year of your pregnancy! I couldn't think of a better focal point than our glowing daughter-in-law! Thanks for catching us up on everything! Let's all make more memories to celebrate and look back on! Love you both so much! And baby Belinda too!
ReplyDelete(Came across as Unknown, but this is Becky and John :)
DeleteYou have good pictures? Yeah send them and maybe I can add one of them! Good fun times.
DeleteWhat an awesome post!
ReplyDeleteI love the D&D segment in particular. That is absolutely my favorite game. My group has another Curse of Strahd session tomorrow! No spoilers, like you said! One of my favorite things about this game (and the whole tabletop RPG genre) is how every table will tell different stories, even when they're using the same book as a guide.
That's wonderful news about the baby! I hope pregnancy proceeds excellently!
Your husband has probably heard that Wizards of the Coast is releasing a combined Magic: The Gathering + Dungeons & Dragons product in November (
Also, I love Skyrim, too! I plan on checking out the Tale of Two Dragonborns story. Creative writing centered on / originating from playing a video game or an RPG can be so much fun! I have written little journal posts as certain Skyrim characters or tabletop RPG characters.
We wish you the best of luck with everything, particularly the mental health journey. We just adopted a child in December, as you probably saw, and parenthood has been such a wonderful journey so far.
Hey, our company is hiring! Solutionreach, in Thanksgiving Point, sells patient reminder software to healthcare offices. You may have gotten a reminder text or birthday message generated from our servers at some point in your life. The company has some great things going on and our HR recently re-vamped our benefits. I worked at Vivint once and I like this job much more than I liked that one. Do you or Alex want to hear more about this place?
Here's a link, just in case: