Sunday, December 13, 2015

Oh, hey... Long time no see.

So... This is awkward. We've uh... just been so busy, you know? Yeah...


*Sigh* Alright guys. Confession time.

Don't look at me like that, you're the one reading this! Look, like I said before, there's nothing that makes me forget about a weekly blag update than having to do a weekly blag update. And playing Skyrim. Yeah, that kind of makes me forget about... everything. Blags, work, life... but hey, when in Skyrim...

Okay! So, confession time. I am terrible at this whole blagging thing.


I KNOW! Like, WTF, man?! What's wrong with me?! If it weren't for Stephanie reminding me to update the blag once and a while, you all would have left off thinking she and I were living in a portrait of a wedding, with nary a care in the world as we sip on watermelon punch and eat tasty chocolates and cheeses and strawberries.

Wow... if only, amirite?



#1- Stephanie and I have moved. It's a two bedroom apartment, which is more than we wanted, but to be honest, I like the extra room for storage. Otherwise, where would we keep half empty boxes full of old toys from my childhood, and a doctor Barbie. Not mine, I swear...

#Dos- I got a promotion! Firstly, Stephanie and I work at Vivint Solar. I said in our last post that I got a new job. And yes, it's definitely a promotion! You know how you get a promotion, but then you're basically doing the same lame stuff, you're just making a few dollars more? Well, this is even better, because not only am I making a few more dollars an hour, but I'm doing all the same... things I used to do...! See? It's... different! I get to call customers and inform them that their solar account is exactly where it was a week ago. And then I get to do it again next week! Whoooo! (Despite the sarcasm, I actually do enjoy my job. Instead of taking random calls and getting yelled at for other people's mistakes, I get to focus on a few accounts at a time, solve the problem, and get their solar system's activated. All a day's work in the life of a Customer Success Manager.)

#3- Halloween! Stephanie and I had an awesome Halloween, y'all! First, a flashback! Last year, Stephanie and I went to a local festival at a place call Thanksgiving Point. Unbeknownst to Stephanie, I was secretly planning on proposing to her. I was super sneaky. Oh yeah!Displaying download_20151213_195228.jpegDisplaying download_20151213_195228.jpeg

Anyway, spoiler alert. She said yes! And then we went again this year! We had a free Saturday, which happened to be Halloween. We went through the maze, played Pumpkin checkers (which I totally lost at... AGAIN!), and like last year, we got some "fiance fudge"!

Then we got dressed up in our costumes. BOOM! Totally legit Hobbit costumes! At a bargain, I might add! The ensemble cost us less than $30, I think...

We tried to go for more of a "Rosie and Sam" look, but even though you can't tell from the picture, I'm not 4 feet tall, and Steph doesn't have long blond curls. But we make a pretty cute pair. So take that, Rosie and Sam! >_>...

#4- For those of you who don't know, Stephanie has been going to school at UVU to become an ASL interpreter. She's pretty darn amazing at it, too. She'll say she's no good, but guys, seriously. She's very skilled and talented. Anyway, recently, Stephanie took the written portion of the Utah Knowledge Exam to become an interpreter, and she PASSED! She needed 80% to pass, and she got exactly 80%! See guys? Pretty darn amazing! I'm so proud of her! ^_^

#5- Thanksgiving! I don't know about you, but as a young, impoverished adult, I have come to love Thanksgiving more than most other holidays. Nothing starts the holiday season better than gorging yourself on a smorgasbord of free food for hours, sometimes days on end. After all, the harvest is finished, and... 

Now, we're not huge fans of Game of Thrones, but I couldn't resist. Anyway, Stephanie and I are so excited for Christmas. It's not just the presents, or the lights, or the family time and food and games. Those are all wonderful things, but we wouldn't have those things without our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We take this time to demonstrate our appreciation for His birth, life, and Atonement. We love our Savior for this, the greatest of gifts.

Coming up next!

Looks like we have a new year coming up on us. Oddly enough, the older I get, the faster years seem to fly by. So, 2016 doesn't seem like such a big deal to me anymore. But at least we get to rub it in 2012's face again. So much for the world ending, sucker! (Honestly, though I don't know what the hype was all about. What were people expecting? Something like this?

Or this?

Anyway, may the force be ever in your favor... or something. I leave you with this image of me fighting the great and terrible Shelob. You may bask in my awesomeness.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Looking back and forth

... Aaaand we're back! Well... sort of. There's something about the idea of weekly blarg updates that just makes me want to forget all about the blarg and play video games with my wife. Which is exactly what happened for the past month or so. Honestly though, there are no complaints here. :)

So, a few quick updates. We moved out of our tiny apartment. Sorry, no pics. We were kind of lame and didn't take any pics... for like 5 months. But that's alright. We have the memories.

Stephanie is now back in school. She's stressed, but I believe she'll do well this semester. She's so smart, and she's such a good signer. She's humble and doesn't think she's that good, but she underestimates herself. She's really good.

I got a promotion and I start on September 14. I'm really excited. I can't tell you how hard I've worked for this job. It doesn't hurt to be friends with a higher-up, either. But really, I feel like I earned this job, which makes it that much more rewarding to have received the job offer.

And... that's it, I think. I mean, we've done a couple of big things. We took a trip to St. George for a wedding, we got new furniture that we traveled around for (not to St. George), and we hit our 5 monthiversay without killing each other. Kidding, it's been a blast.

But there's something about a wedding (again, not in St. George) that stirs things up you thought were long left unstirred. Probably why James Bond never got married. Personally, I don't like stirring things up that much. It only works for macaroni and smoothies. ( I don't know, that's all I could stir up. I'm deep, I know.)

So anyway, we attended our friend Krista's pre-ception tonight. For those who don't know, that's a reception before the wedding. The more you know...

Stephanie and I were smart enough to set a reminder, because if we hadn't, we would have missed it, and according to Stephanie, we would have died! So... dodged a bullet there. Hopefully not literally. >_> <_< But it was loads of fun. We got to see Krista and her new man! They were pretty cute, and they're very happy together. There are just some people who you know will have an epic level of joy and happiness throughout their lives. (i.e. My wifey and I! Love you, Princess!) From the moment I saw them, I could tell these two love birds would have that epic level of happiness. If you ever read this Krista,  congrats a thousand times over!

And then we danced. I love dancing,  especially with my wife. Sometimes, I think we look really cute and fun, but I know better. Nothing to do with me, mind you. My wife is an amazing dancer. I just look like a goofball. But when I dance with her, pride be darned, I'll look like a fool for her any day.

Finally, things settled down, and we were reflecting on our own amazing wedding. Steph said I had my happy memory face on most of the night, whatever that means. But dancing with her and being in the presence of unbridled joy and love just brought back good memories. I feel like my love for my wife grew deeper tonight.

And I was deeply moved and indescribably happy to have married such a woman as Stephanie. She's funny, weird, beatuiful, witty, loving, thoughtful, spiritual, and best of all, she's all mine. Once again, I love you, princess!

So, now you're updated. There's more to come, as always. Maybe I'll have another wedding soon to make me write on here more. Maybe I'll just get bored and post a list of my favorite Pokémon, or tell you about the time I... did something cool. But for now, we need to read scriptures, and I'm keeping Steph up by writing here, so God be with you till we meet again.

Monday, August 3, 2015


SRS. <-- Those be my initials now.

I have been feeling oh so sick and I don't appreciate everyone assuming things about it. Can't I just be sick? :P
Been in a no-nonsense mood along with it. It's probably not the best time to blog...

But! I wanted y'all to know that Alex had written a lovely post on his phone, but his page refreshed and didn't save it. He wants to be a journalist and so writing more and more will help. Please encourage him in this. He really is a rather good writer.  I may not have his permission to tell you, but I don't know why he would really mind, I'd like to inform you that he's started writing some Skyrim Fan-fic! I've told him to publish it somewhere, but he doesn't think anyone would be interested. Psh.
Yeah. Anyway. He's pretty awesome and I thought you should all know.
We want to change the layout of the blog too, so we'll see if we can't find something we like better. Alex likes to personalize things. :)
Anywho, There's a quick update of life as the Solomons.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Huh? O_o

*Wanders in tentatively* Hello? Not really... sure how I got here.

... Oh! Hi! *drums fingers together* This is awkward, I don't normally do well with on the spot introductions. But here goes!

We're the Solomons, and these... *indicates to the top of the page* are our stories. Some will be happy, some will be not-so-happy. Others will be boring (mostly mine), while others will be dramatic tales of epic proportions (mostly Steph's).

As a brief introduction of myself, I'm Alex, and this is my story. I was born into a family of rogues, destined for a life of robust swashbuckling adventures and many tremendous tales... you know, ideally speaking.

Actually, I was born in Utah, an it's been quite an experience since (more on that later... probably). I currently live in Provo with my lovely and amazing wife,  and I am the happiest I've ever been as a result. We just got married recently on April 3rd! It was pretty awesome. If you were there, you know what I mean. We had a beautiful LDS temple ceremony and are happily sealed for time and eternity! ^_^

We're pretty excited to start a blog and share our adventures with random strangers, so pull up a chair, bean bag, or whatever you prefer to sit on, and enjoy the show!

... I realize you probably expect more right now, but... there isn't. Only for now, I promise! Come back soon, we'll have something for you.

The First Post!

Hooray! We have a couple blog! We're official now.

-Stephanie Raymond Solomon